Look what i've found. Twinny and i have BIG EYES,right? :D
k very lame....that time we very de bored! Trying to act as... Wahahaha.
Look what i've found. Twinny and i have BIG EYES,right? :D
k very lame....that time we very de bored! Trying to act as... Wahahaha.
My days have been very random...
That day, 3 crazy char bo @ ap's, watch dvd & crazy stuffs.....
Thurs night, we watch phobia 2. Few disgusting scenes -_- , & the last story damn hilarious laa! Hahahaha!
Overall,not bad.
And.....that day Mon, after we went to watch Elyzia @ singtel gig.
Went esplanade with joyce & ronald. Caught cove red gig!
It was awsomeeeeeeeee. I think rachael voice is great. Love their songs! :) Smooth and inspiring and peaceful.
Catch them! www.myspace.com/cove2red
And, Elyzia will be releasing a FREE EP! Yeah! Their songs is awesomeeeeeeee. I like! :)
Log on to www.elyziaband.com to find out. :)
Show you support! & its Free!
Till then.
Am so bored and tired.........
if im not living here..
if life get better..
if i got loads of money.. HAHAHA.
if i change my personality..
if i have miracle..
if i can get anything i WANT!!!
if everything,everyone is so so so perfect..
it wouldnt be me,& normal world alrrrrrr la! Just day dreaming. Hoho. i think some things just need challenges. For you wouldnt appreciate if you did not use alot of efforts to achieve it. Life have to move on and get better....and yeah overcome it,dun be defeated by it.
Tsk,i wanna better life. ):
A man who push a woman to hit the wall because of pride. What do you think?
The woman bled alot alot. Yesssssssss. This is true. I prayed for.. I'm affected very much today. pms? :'(
Absolutely hate and afraid of man like this.
And it really makes me ponder, why do violent exist, why does a little thing could change your attitude, why does we even exist for? Purely thinking only. Everything is fine now. Thankfully.
Well, we should look things in a better and postive way.
Airport today,twinny went hk for 3weeks! Have a fun and safe trip twinny! :)
Have a busy and loooooooong week.
Thurs, ky advance bdae celebration. :) we catch proposal, worth the moneh! & had our fav thai expressssssss!
Fri, pj house for souvinier making again.
Sat, shopping with twinny and joined elyzia jamming. well, everything was kinda unplanned & last min... Hahaha,thinking of which twinny & me is funny cos we paiseh &........ well. -.- still have a fab day though! Heeeeeee. :)
Sun, casual poet. esplanade. we catch free gigs @ esplanade! and, nua @ rooftop. shiockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk man! i likeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
anwy, wads wrong with me having pms like wtf zzzzzz. pls ignore cos it actually is that freaking sucky to see disappointed face bcos of me making stupit countless mistakes... i actually felt guilty & weird. :(
i shall reflect, shall prove that i can.....