Yes, so true so sadddddddddd... absoutely dun wish this kinda things to happen,but who knows. i wonder so many things like really........ sidetrack a little, alot alot alot people said i've changed like,seriously. good or bad? all say to the good side lah,hahahha. :D
tt day met seemun coincidentally , chat with her for while. ;) suddenly miss 7jiemei and sec sch days......
2 more days and its 2010 already. Time really really flies, cant help saying that.Thinking back, can say 2009 is quite a happening year. Lots of things happen in sucha short time, very happy times and even sad times. Of course, life is full of ups and downs. things are unpredictable. But well at least the last part of my 2009 is really really happy and i've enjoyed every moments,definitely. sometimes, fate is that amazing, i must say. if wouldnt for that, this wouldnt happen etc like that. At least, life get better and better than before, i think. Hee. (:
and through some things, i realise somethings, i saw somethings, i learnt somethings. YES. tsk. I'm glad somehow yet disappointed somehow. contradicting,no? :/
Well, lets hope 2010 will be a greater year for you, me everyoneeee! :D
whole holidays = working + dating + meet out sessions + events + movies. lots of stuffs that i cant remember. but well, a little not well-spent. too nua already, seriously. Hahahah.School starting soon!
Haven been updating. busy like whatttt. Finally metup with CY yesterday after work! She accompany me shop for pressie and trim my hair. Heeeee thanks sweeeet~ <3
I'm so broke now. omg. :/ Hohohohoh, X'mas is coming~ and one more week to 2010, time really flies.
1. Let me tell you, this stupit fake spider scare the hell outta me! somemore, scared by cheyenne. She is like so damn happy to scare me lor! kay, very lame! Asshole bro somemore put it on my bed, make me scream. -.- lols. Show yall pic, disgusting right? X:
2. That day library with love. entertain ourself. Cute? Heheeee. (love)
3. Yesterday meeeetup with maggie like finally! and with ky & ap. the 3 girls dye hair, while we cook spaghetti. yum yum. (:
4. found this pic kinda sweeeeeet. Hahahaha.
5. whenever i'm free, kinda like to think of things. Some things just make me go into deep thoughts. Some things just makes me have a weird feeling.
6. I wanna SHOPPING leis! X: no monehhh, so saddddd. X:
i shouldnt have go look at all. to be exact, i shouldnt care. somethings just dont meant to be said, meant to be seen. it just hurt, it hurt deeply...for no reason.