Yes, so true so sadddddddddd... absoutely dun wish this kinda things to happen,but who knows. i wonder so many things like really........ sidetrack a little, alot alot alot people said i've changed like,seriously. good or bad? all say to the good side lah,hahahha. :D
tt day met seemun coincidentally , chat with her for while. ;) suddenly miss 7jiemei and sec sch days......
2 more days and its 2010 already. Time really really flies, cant help saying that.Thinking back, can say 2009 is quite a happening year. Lots of things happen in sucha short time, very happy times and even sad times. Of course, life is full of ups and downs. things are unpredictable. But well at least the last part of my 2009 is really really happy and i've enjoyed every moments,definitely. sometimes, fate is that amazing, i must say. if wouldnt for that, this wouldnt happen etc like that. At least, life get better and better than before, i think. Hee. (:
and through some things, i realise somethings, i saw somethings, i learnt somethings. YES. tsk. I'm glad somehow yet disappointed somehow. contradicting,no? :/
Well, lets hope 2010 will be a greater year for you, me everyoneeee! :D
whole holidays = working + dating + meet out sessions + events + movies. lots of stuffs that i cant remember. but well, a little not well-spent. too nua already, seriously. Hahahah.School starting soon!
Haven been updating. busy like whatttt. Finally metup with CY yesterday after work! She accompany me shop for pressie and trim my hair. Heeeee thanks sweeeet~ <3
I'm so broke now. omg. :/ Hohohohoh, X'mas is coming~ and one more week to 2010, time really flies.
1. Let me tell you, this stupit fake spider scare the hell outta me! somemore, scared by cheyenne. She is like so damn happy to scare me lor! kay, very lame! Asshole bro somemore put it on my bed, make me scream. -.- lols. Show yall pic, disgusting right? X:
2. That day library with love. entertain ourself. Cute? Heheeee. (love)
3. Yesterday meeeetup with maggie like finally! and with ky & ap. the 3 girls dye hair, while we cook spaghetti. yum yum. (:
4. found this pic kinda sweeeeeet. Hahahaha.
5. whenever i'm free, kinda like to think of things. Some things just make me go into deep thoughts. Some things just makes me have a weird feeling.
6. I wanna SHOPPING leis! X: no monehhh, so saddddd. X:
i shouldnt have go look at all. to be exact, i shouldnt care. somethings just dont meant to be said, meant to be seen. it just hurt, it hurt deeply...for no reason.
The title anyhow only! cos i've been ZZZZZ-ing~ and yeah my bro find me sibei irritating! Like duhhhh. -.-
Haven been updating much. I have great fun this week.
k-session with ah loi, paulina, ronald, joyce, ronale and cass on friday was great. long hrs of sing-inggggg :) Yesterday, Elyzia gig at homeclub after work with usual peeps. :D Watch Ninja assassin after that. Have funnnnnnnnn with fellow peepos! (L) LAUKARYIN my loveable irritating lame cousin came here stayover siolz. :D Meetup with her after work today. whoooooooooo~ Long time no see her, and long time we stay together, bring back the old memoriesss. C: (Actually she lazy go home lah) -.- Anyway, we cooked dinner together with my bro! She was being scrammed away from the kitchen because my bro think that she's only creating trouble. -.- Hahahahaaha! okay, thats about it.
Weather have not been very good. Sometimes, it do affect my mood. like wtzzzzz. i hope i hope i hope i hope i hope it do HELP this time. because its so super painful :( & its affecting me like wtzzzzzzzzzzzz. determination + motivation pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this time. YUPP.
meet up with CY & laine @ jp for dinner just now. have pepper lunch& some chitty chatty. :) meetup soon agnnnnn lovlies! :) :) :)
a saturday stuck at home. :( down with bad flu and sore throat.
on another note, can have some time to rest at home. but it suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk to be unwell. am very de boreddddddddddddddddddd sweetlikehoney is working! :(
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude."
ps/ Nose block seriously suck. zzzzzz. shd get more rest. till then!
I can almost see it That dream I'm dreaming but There's a voice inside my head sayin, You'll never reach it, Every step I'm taking, Every move I make feels Lost with no direction My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying Got to keep my head held high There's always going to be another mountain I'm always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Sometimes you going to have to lose, Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing, The chances I'm taking Sometimes they knock me down but No I'm not breaking I may not know it But these are the moments that I'm going to remember most yeah Just got to keep going And I, I got to be strong Just keep pushing on, cause Keep on moving Keep climbing Keep the faith baby It's all about It's all about The climb Keep the faith Keep your faith
Meaningful and encouraing lyricssssssssss. i like i like ;)
I always say:"You dont understand me at all" But...the fact is i dont understand myself at all. And keep building a wall to hide. I should learn to damage the wall.....
Mon, Meet up with ah loi and xinyi at jp. Then meet ap and ky for dinner. :) Walked home with ap! Hee shiock~
Tue, Pandorum with ah loi, xinyi,edmund,ayu and amelia. wasted because the show was damn lame,damn jialatttttttt
Wed, after sch meet up with ah loi. Dinner at jp. we ate yami yogurt! He love it toooooooooo , hehe ^.^ and he sent me to soka for my meeting.
Thu, after sch went queensway shopping center shop for some stuffs with twinny! :d and we went ikea for dinner, meatballs pasta,chicken wings!:D on the way back, meet ah loi as he was going back home as well. :)
Fri, Sandcastle teambuilding.long day! met ahloi. then went minds. then bugis. then meet up with ronald, tgh with paulina and joyce we went spore flyer. then marina to meet twinny and hk. and home alone~
Sat, after work marina with twinny and amelia. Spent time slacking and bought snacks and volka to drink at emo area with twinny. :). Went to meet ah loi after his work. accompany for his supper at prata shop. and west coast park to slack and lie down. walk alot alot to take bus home. and went work straight.
Sun, work and sleeeeeeeeeep time hoho.
This week:
Mon, Napfa = muscle ache. Have cafe cartel with twinny, peiwen, mengshan and ade. :) and deliever lunch to ah loi house heeeeee
Tue, Watch Halloween2 with ah loi and xinyi
Wed, Ah loi house, planned to do invitation card for itesd. Jp, met limxinyi coincidentally hahaha~
Thu, Watch blue mansion with ah loi, xinyi, edmund and ayu
Fri, Sarah center with interact peoples and met ah loi for dinner
Busy like a bee rightttttttttttttttt? and also, Been meeting ah loi everyday as you can see, i scare ah loi might get sick of meeting me but ah loi say wun and not enough. Hahaha. :P am beri tired, been waking up lateeeeeeeeeeeee. like wtzzzz should kick this bad habit real soon hor D: Tmr work morning, shall rest early i hope! Heh! Tmrrrrrrrr :)
"It takes courage to become happy -- courage to remain true to one's convictions, courage not to be defeated by one's weaknesses and negativity, courage to take swift action to help those who are suffering."
Happen to read this from Sensei's guidance. I really like this, its so trueeeeeeeeee.. Weilin told me to include Sensei guidance inside the invitation card for itesd. :) "Something that is encouraging and close to your heart". Well,i've found it. courage,courage, takes courage for every kind of things. Not easy Maybe i'm not strong at all..
Today really is a loooooooooooooooooooong friday yo.
teambuilding sandcastle @ westcoast.
ah Loi's house.
Minds - handicraft stuffs!
Bugisssssssssss dinner.
Singapore flyer with ronald, joyce and paulina :) - first time take, quite shiock heeeeee.
Marina sq meet twinny and hk.
502 homed. (traffic jam) :(
Tons of photos today!!!!!
Sucha long day right? Extremely tired day.....but yet i have fun with all! :) :) :) Thanks for the great day. Hahahahaa. cant sleeeeeeeep, tmr working morning. sian :(
Last week is filled with fun. :) Been hanging out late and the whole week was like spending with limxinyi, kevinloi,edmundchua and ayu! Conclusion: we are slackers siolz, we slack alot at onefullerton (limxinyi's merlion), clarke quay, marina.... we laugh alot cos of limxinyi lame-less!! We shouldnt anyhow watch movie! but,slacking is so shiock. whee~
Ytd, pandorum with xinyi, kevin, edmund, amelia, ayu. sucha sucky and weird show! totally dun understand what is it about. slack alot also. singapore flyer there is sucha good place to slack and emo! yay, a new found place. nice breezeeeeeeeeeee, shiockkkkkkkkk hee. Today is 21st. i like today. :) Haha. random. i so wanna do many thingssssssssss lei. duno why :(
This week, have been keep meeting LimXinYi, Edmund, Kevin, Ayu. went alot random places slack. Hahahaha. still rmb wed, laugh for 3hrs at jp with limxinyi and edmundchua. crazy fellows. :D all because of limxinyi sibei lame!!!! wahahaahahaha. memorable lor. -.-
This holidays,i think i dua alot peoplessssss and alot of times. ): *guilty* *super paiseh*
This week, just catch darah and sorority rolls. Wahahah so into horror lor recently! Darah is damn blooooody,but storyline not good enough. Sorority rolls is better, as the girls is hot and manage to scare me. Haha. omg like lots of nice movies coming. Heeeeeeeeeee.
awwwwwwwww, time files isnt it? one month pass that fast. But anw, this sept holidays was quite well-spent and fun in work! (: ahhhhhh, thats so many things i wanna do and plan, was just chatting with CY and we were saying we wanna makeover YESSSSSSS! Haha. $$$$$$$! ): Time to save up.
Ahhhhhhhh, i couldnt join twinny they all for singing already tmr la because of work! im so sad so sad so sad! :(thats like the 2nd time....
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz to the max!!!!!!!!!!
k anwy, i saw this article in mypaper about rachael, cove red band. :) It says their EP is currently selling @ Global Sounds Cafe and The Coffee Nations. and their gig nex yr or sth. I so wanna get it and make a trip down soon i think!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i hope i dun lose my way ya) Yes, hehehehehe! i love their songs! omg.
ahhhh, i wanna sing! zzzzzz. ronald, yall went 2times alr! i haven! :(
That thurs night, have a heart to heart talk with paulina at clarke quay. I love the breezeeeeeee there. Shiock,i likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. (: And i think we both feels more comfortable,right? (:
It makes me wonder,will it happen again? it doesnt seemed that easy to me... Hope that it gonna be alright.
Anwy, here are some pics taken of cheyenne! :D Wun you just cheer up playing with this little girl here? Me will! :D hahaha,sometimes its really great to have her here. Everyone cheerup cos of her. (:
That day, 3 crazy char bo @ ap's, watch dvd & crazy stuffs.....
Thurs night, we watch phobia 2. Few disgusting scenes -_- , & the last story damn hilarious laa! Hahahaha! Overall,not bad.
And.....that day Mon, after we went to watch Elyzia @ singtel gig. Went esplanade with joyce & ronald. Caught cove red gig! It was awsomeeeeeeeee. I think rachael voice is great. Love their songs! :) Smooth and inspiring and peaceful. Catch them!
And, Elyzia will be releasing a FREE EP! Yeah! Their songs is awesomeeeeeeee. I like! :) Log on to to find out. :)
if im not living here.. if life get better.. if i got loads of money.. HAHAHA. if i change my personality.. if i have miracle.. if i can get anything i WANT!!! if everything,everyone is so so so perfect..
it wouldnt be me,& normal world alrrrrrr la! Just day dreaming. Hoho. i think some things just need challenges. For you wouldnt appreciate if you did not use alot of efforts to achieve it. Life have to move on and get better....and yeah overcome it,dun be defeated by it. Tsk,i wanna better life. ):
A man who push a woman to hit the wall because of pride. What do you think? The woman bled alot alot. Yesssssssss. This is true. I prayed for.. I'm affected very much today. pms? :'( Absolutely hate and afraid of man like this.
And it really makes me ponder, why do violent exist, why does a little thing could change your attitude, why does we even exist for? Purely thinking only. Everything is fine now. Thankfully. Well, we should look things in a better and postive way.
Airport today,twinny went hk for 3weeks! Have a fun and safe trip twinny! :)
Have a busy and loooooooong week.
Thurs, ky advance bdae celebration. :) we catch proposal, worth the moneh! & had our fav thai expressssssss! Fri, pj house for souvinier making again. Sat, shopping with twinny and joined elyzia jamming. well, everything was kinda unplanned & last min... Hahaha,thinking of which twinny & me is funny cos we paiseh &........ well. -.- still have a fab day though! Heeeeeee. :) Sun, casual poet. esplanade. we catch free gigs @ esplanade! and, nua @ rooftop. shiockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk man! i likeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
anwy, wads wrong with me having pms like wtf zzzzzz. pls ignore cos it actually is that freaking sucky to see disappointed face bcos of me making stupit countless mistakes... i actually felt guilty & weird. :( i shall reflect, shall prove that i can.....
Anwy,ytd ap & ky snipped my hairrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. my hair now situ like messy. aye, wadever! thanks girls. hahahha! growwwwwwwwwwww fast leh growwwwwwwww leh!-.-
cravings for yami yogurtttttttttttttttt! feel like buying the home pack one,and gorge and gorge @ home! WAHAHAHA. maybe! :p
I rmb the first time i hear this song is from edmund play it during work. somehow, it interest me the first time i hear this! and he told me check out their webbie at myspace. and this is how it started..from listening to every songs, to getting the demos songs from edmund (HA), to attending the few gigs(Street fest,Food fest), to getting to know them. (Nice & friendly bunch of ppls hehehehe) And last sat, joined their jamming with twinny and joyce :) (Shiockkkkkkkkkkk~ & their new songs kinda nice omg fast come ahaha)Somehow, i think all these is kinda amazing,or maybe fated. Haha. i really do hope they could continue like this, although i heard its nt that easy really. But, their passion for music is great & inspiring! All that it matters. right? Canttttttttttttttt wait for next thurs, 1hr gig woo! but without twinny:(
Currently: black and white & too much damage stuck in my mind!!!!!!! Just get the songs hee :>
Catch Elyzia live @ homeclub,9-10pm,$12! Visit for more details, support this great local band. :) \m/
true enough, its reality. reality shows the scary truth. and when trust in a person lead to disappointment. (big big disappointment.) it shows me how scary it is. life ain't fair i know. am tired of all these. i shd have second thoughts..
what is trust? show: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
hectic week it is. reaching home like 12mn evryday. its scary ytd.
mon is great spending with ed. ;) tue & wed, twinny and i went causal poet to do project. Thanks twinny for bringing me thr. Its a niceeeeeeee,homely, peaceful, vintage cafe. ;) Im starting to love the place... Hehe. thur, proj & peijing house.
am more relived,bcos erp proj finished. :)
at causal poet....
(2 siao langs)
♥ twinny.. even though she kp bulling me. Hahahaha. :p
everyone pls looooook @ CHIYEN! hahaha!
<3 all. enjoy my day. (:
shall turn in soon.
one word : tired.
this week,everyday reach home 12 plus. yeappppppp,am very tired :(
update tmr. just getting bored here.... zzzzzz rawr! time super fassssssst. k till then!!!
happy days just like yesterday,because it keep flashing in my mind. happy days are great rawrrrr,time flies. isnt it?
very random thought: sometimes we hide is it because reality hurt/scary or we just want to find excuse to escape? but sometimes,the truth make us fear..
The feeling of lying and tossing in your bed for hours,but just cant fell asleep suck,no? At this hour,i'm still up. :( & having a terrible headache just now. zzzzzzzzz to the max! it just suck man...
Anwy, Sat night work with this girl here. :) she bring her cam and yeah i guess we were quite crazy :p
Fri. :)
Featuring, Pretty little cute girl below. :)
Shall head to bed soon. time please 'tick' fasterrrrrrrrrrrr.